Padua has qualified school counsellors who support our students that may be experiencing social, emotional or cognitive challenges.

College Counselling Services

College Counsellors

Padua College has qualified counsellors who support students who may be experiencing social, emotional, cognitive, or educational challenges. Counselling is available to assist students to develop appropriate skills and attitudes to manage these challenges. Counselling is provided within the whole school pastoral context which involves staff and parents as required. It is a chance to strengthen and reinforce a sense of connectedness to the adults in their lives including parents and school staff. Counselling can promote one’s resilience and wellbeing and help students refocus their lives and discover what is important to them and move from “surviving” to “thriving.” Our College Counsellors endeavour to support parents and their sons to achieve their full potential in their personal, spiritual, and academic development.

The College Counsellors can assist students in the following areas –

  • Peer pressure and conflicts
  • Family concerns
  • Self esteem
  • Relationships
  • Grief and loss
  • Stress management
  • Dealing with anger
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Transitions
  • Substance abuse.

Careers Counsellor

The Careers Counsellor is responsible for assisting students and parents with course selection, career planning, tertiary study, study assistance and post-school transition.

The Careers Counsellor can assist students in the following areas –

  • Subject changes
  • Subject selection
  • SET Planning
  • Tertiary advice
  • Career guidance
  • Alternative pathways options
  • Preparation for entrance tests
  • Study skills
  • Part-time job applications
  • Resume writing
  • Interview coaching and practise.

Assist Parents and Teachers

The College Counsellors assist parents and teachers by:

  • Providing advice and support in the management and care of students
  • Consulting on the academic, pastoral, and psychosocial well-being of students
  • Providing relevant information and resources
  • Organising presentations, information sessions and workshops on a variety of relevant topics
  • Promoting communication between members of the school community.
  • Facilitating appropriate referrals to other agencies, professionals, and community services.


Consultations with the College Counsellors are confidential unless there are significant concerns for the welfare of the student or others; or there is a legal requirement to disclose information.  In most instances, a collaborative relationship between students, parents and teachers is sought with the student’s permission.


The College Counsellors are located within the Assisi Campus of Padua College and service both the Assisi and Greccio Campuses.


The College Counsellors are available for consultations during school hours. They are also available for student enquires during scheduled breaks.

Referral Process

Students may self-refer by making an appointment with the College Counsellors before school or during lunch or via email.  Teachers and parents may also refer students, or consult with the College Counsellors via phone, email or by appointment.  Parental permission is generally sought for primary-aged students before ongoing counselling occurs.

Student Wellbeing Framework

As a Catholic School, in the Franciscan Tradition and in the spirit of St Francis, we respect the dignity of each young person entrusted with our care and commit ourselves to knowing our students as individuals and learners.  Please click on our Student Wellbeing Framework to learn more about our Student Wellbeing Framework.

Student Protection

The College Counsellors are also appointed School Student Protection Contacts and Student Protection Officer 2024 for students and staff with child protection concerns.

Referrals to external mental health specialists for additional support & assessments

Referrals to the counsellors are typically made through the Pastoral Care House Guardians. Alternatively, parents and students are welcome to contact the Counsellors directly with their concerns.

Help and Support at Padua College

For information on areas of help and support within Padua College, please download Help at Padua .

For more information please contact:

Sally Maguire | School Counsellor
Phone: 3857 9972

Rebecca Cain | School Counsellor
Phone: 3857 9952

Joanne O’Bryan | Careers Counsellor
Phone: 3857 9976