Theatresports is a fun, highly interactive team-based event where teams of four take part in ‘games’ where they must create a scene out of a ‘theme’ or ‘idea’ given to them only a few seconds prior to beginning.

Embracing the art of improvisation, players have only seconds to begin creating a scene with a beginning a middle and an end.

In a broader sense, students will apply a wide range of dramatic skills including movement, voice, listening, vision, concentration, imagination, teamwork, creativity and intellect.

Theatresports™ games are governed by rules. Beyond just being timed, team members may be asked to do such things as:

  • speak with the next letter of the alphabet;
  • not ask questions;
  • act out a movie trailer based on a randomly assigned movie title;
  • create a TV commercial for a totally made-up product;
  • assume the personality of a character stereotype;
  • translate gibberish;
  • adopt the frozen position of another;
  • replay a scene, adapting to a new, unlikely set of circumstances;
  • re-interpret a scene through song and/or dance.

The wonderful benefit of tackling the challenge of improvisation is that the student can generate a range of highly transferable skills that can be applied to many other facets of their learning – presenting a monologue, delivering a book report, engaging in a Shark Tank style seminar, acting out a role play.

At the very least, Theatresports supports the acquisition of that most important life-capable skill – teamwork. This is the bedrock upon which everything else can be built for 21st century learning.